44 degrees celcius


New member
Oct 21, 2017
South Australia
Wow was it ever hot in Adelaide, South Australia yesterday. I live near where a lot of bikes cut into the hills to play but it was all quiet yesterday. Rode my cruiser to get a newspaper and got home feeling like a dry roasted peanut. Anyone else on the site riding in extreme weather? Must get pretty cold in Scotland. Whats your extreme riding temperature tips? Mine is take the car when it gets to 44c.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 18, 2012
Milton Keynes
Urgh, I wish people would contribute rather than just come on here for the manuals. I have a good mind to take them all down. It's been super cold here in the UK lately, you may have seen in the news, so I hope no one has been out as most of the UK is under a blanket of snow and ice. Thanks for sticking around Teamlofty!