Firstly like to say hi to everyone i joined a while ago and have not posted up until now.
I have a 750 k5 which i bought from a guy who had a low speed accident there was hardly any damage so i put the bike back on the road but i notice that the top yolk is not straight and sitting to the right also i have noticed the right hand clip on is closer to the frame than the left side by approx 15mm i have removed the nose cone and i cannot see anything wrong also the clipons look straight also the front brake resivoir hits the fairing.I have replaced the fairing frame with a new item ive taken measurements everywhere and all seems ok apart from the clipons having a different gap on the frame and im sure if the frame was bent you would see it on the welds on the headstock. The steering stops look ok and are not bent any ideas ?? if anyone on here owns a k5 could they check their frame to bar end clearance for me im at a total loss of what to do i have tried twisting the forks in the yolks but with no joy as ive been told upside down forks dont twist in the yolks.
I have a 750 k5 which i bought from a guy who had a low speed accident there was hardly any damage so i put the bike back on the road but i notice that the top yolk is not straight and sitting to the right also i have noticed the right hand clip on is closer to the frame than the left side by approx 15mm i have removed the nose cone and i cannot see anything wrong also the clipons look straight also the front brake resivoir hits the fairing.I have replaced the fairing frame with a new item ive taken measurements everywhere and all seems ok apart from the clipons having a different gap on the frame and im sure if the frame was bent you would see it on the welds on the headstock. The steering stops look ok and are not bent any ideas ?? if anyone on here owns a k5 could they check their frame to bar end clearance for me im at a total loss of what to do i have tried twisting the forks in the yolks but with no joy as ive been told upside down forks dont twist in the yolks.