Please Help!!!!!


New member
Oct 11, 2015
Hello kind people!!

I am in dire need of help, my k3 gsxr is getting on my nerves now! The stories a little long so please bear with me.

The bike had been sat up for a few months without being started, fuel still in it etc while I was building my garage.

When I went to start the bike a few weeks ago, the fuel pump wouldn't prime and battery was almost dead.

I charged the battery, however when I went to start it I accidentally left the charger on start/boost setting.

Anyway, I checked everything on the fuel supply side from the pump relay to the fuses, I pulled the pump and found a load of crud in the bottom of the well, and pump was jammed, cleaned out all the filters but pump was burnt out(open circuit) so I replaced the cylindrical pump with an item from a k1 1000 (according to the manual is the same flow and pressure).
I alsofound that I fried the ecu with the charger (proved by shorting the fuel pump relay signal wire to earth, then the pump ran up. So replaced the ecu.

The bike has also had a full oil change and new spark plugs, which have been tested so all coils and plugs are sparking, the bike now turns over and the fuel pumps primes as it should, but it doesn't run??

Pulled the pipe off the pump outlet and its flowing the correct amount of fuel, unable to test pressure as I haven't got a gauge, pulled fuel rail out and injectors weren't firing, so took them off and had them ultrasonically cleaned and flow tested, I didn't check if they were spraying after, just fitted them and bolted back up.

Bike still doesn't start, my friend has the exact same model, so I borrowed his ecu to prove it wasn't that, I'm nicking his tank tomorrow evening to see if it's the pump.

So my question is....... Have I missed anything that could be causing it not to run? Is there any other sensitive electronics that I've fried? Could it be the incorrect fuel pressure from the pump? At this point I'm stumped, it's been so reliable up until this.