

New member
Oct 5, 2014
The mechanic at Suzuki is struggling a bit to find source of my over heating problem. It's not the head or gaskit but over heats even when the fan comes on but after a giving it little revs it drops the temp till idle again or if hold at a rev then the temperature rises again. So he Said he thinks the radiator or thermostat is blocked as I thought this also. So rad was sent off and came back fine from rickets.pressure tested and water flow rate. Today He put thermo in kettle and said that opened as kettle boiled to max temp so he ordered new one as may be to high temperature opening. But he said he dont know if the overheating be that bad judging by the way thermo is working. Then said if it still same he stumped. Would he have tested the rad cap already ? People on owners site told me to suggest this but I don't want to say anything like that as I would thought one first jobs ?
Tar for any help

They had it a week now with still no idea why the temperature keeps rising.


New member
Aug 7, 2014
Water pump? If it's not working properly it won't be pressurising the system hence reducing the boiling point. May be worth getting that checked out.