Is city riding even fun on a GSXR 600?


New member
May 24, 2019
I live in a suburban area with a good amount of turns, with an average speed of about 35 mph. Small town, so never very congested. I'm curious if I should stick to something like a Ninja 300 (I just HATE the pathetic sound of it, even with a loud aftermarket exhaust) or if I'll be able to have fun with a GSXR.

I have never ridden anything above a 250cc, so I have no frame of reference, but I heard that bigger bikes get kind of "heavy" on slow turns. I'm curious if it's enough to kill the whole fun factor of the bike.
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New member
May 26, 2019
Well, bigger sport bikes are definitely a lot more fun outside of the city, but I use a middle weight sport bike as my daily rider around London and I love it. But I ride pretty chilled out in the city, I only open her up really when I'm at a track day. If you think you'll get a little "throttle happy" in the city on a 600 sport bike, then my honest advice would be don't do it. Because if you ride crazy in a city, then it really is only a matter of time before you have an accident - cars just don't see you, and if you are going fast, then you've got no time to avoid a collision.
Small bikes are great for the city, and big bikes can be to - but really it's down to how you ride in my opinion.