Hi to everybody


New member
Mar 28, 2016
Hi,I am new to this forum and to the Suzuki brand.I just got a super nice 2002 Gsxr600.The bike runs like a dream but I have a problem with the low headlight beam.It is not working.I checked both light bulbs on the bench and the high and low beams work perfectly.Wire are ok.I opened the left switch and tested the 2 yellow wires with a test light.There is a 12 volts on both yellow wires when I move the switch.With the light bulb 3 wires plug disconnected there is a 12 volts only on the high beam wire.Where the problem may be?.On the plug behind the right fairing coming from the left switch to the rest of the wire loom?.Any help would be really appreciated.Thanks


New member
Mar 30, 2016
Wigmore Kent
Its sounds like you have checked the main items, I would disconnect the connectors from the headlight and put a meter on them see if you have 12 volts on dip and main, if not trace back the loom looking for issues until you hit the next connector, disconnect and do the same until you hit any relays or junction boxes.....its a matter of tracing through, of course you could have a loose filament bulb so double check it. Normally wiring issues are a process of elimination until the issue is found. Start simple and cheap first. Good luck and let us know how you get on.


New member
Mar 28, 2016
It was the male-female connector from the left switch to the wireloom.I cleaned with an electric spray clener and used some dielectric grease.Now works like a charm.Thanks