gsxr idling problem!


New member
Jun 21, 2019
I have a 01 gsxr the bike has been completely mistreated definitely been dropped multiple times but the frame, forks, and swing arms are all good the only issue is the mechanical aspect bike wont stay running and has to be kept above 3k to even run also has an issue turning over gotta give it some gas. I know its a project but i got it for close to 500 bucks and the frame alone is 500 any ideas whether its a fuel injector issue motor issue. also will a k6 engine fit in the k1 frame i have an extra one.


New member
Jun 21, 2019
I have a 01 gsxr the bike has been completely mistreated definitely been dropped multiple times but the frame, forks, and swing arms are all good the only issue is the mechanical aspect bike wont stay running and has to be kept above 3k to even run also has vidmate mobdro word counter an issue turning over gotta give it some gas. I know its a project but i got it for close to 500 bucks and the frame alone is 500 any ideas whether its a fuel injector issue motor issue. also will a k6 engine fit in the k1 frame i have an extra one.

my issue got solvedd!!


New member
Jul 15, 2019
Wont hurt you to clean all the injectors, flush the tank and fuel pump, replace the fuel pump filter. Check the tank for rust and if you see any replace it or have it treated and sealed. If you have a shit tank it's only a matter of time before you have worse problems.

I've a k1 in a similar condition I just completed a nut and bolt rebuild of, I've also owned a k1 for years and put about 30k on it.

You should 100%: check the state of the ground wire (if it is blackened anywhere then there are problems elsewhere in the charging system or loom)

Check the charging system with a multimeter (rectifiers are basically consumable items). Consider replacing with a MOSFET item because the OEM ones are absolute crap and Chinese replacements will last about 3000 miles.

Chuck in a fresh battery.

Pull the spark plugs and gap them, clean them, etc.

All these things can be done pretty easily with a few cheap tools and access to YouTube, nothing to be afraid of.
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