GSX-R1000L4 Misfire / bogging down under power


New member
Oct 1, 2017
Hi all, I have a puzzling problem with my 1000 L4.

Its a standard bike, no modifications other than a slip on can.
When I give the bike a good handful of throttle it stutters and bogs down above around 9000 rpm. It happens only when the engine is under load; with the clutch pulled in or when in neutral, it revs cleanly.

No FI light and no error codes stored. Shows -C00 with the line in the middle, so TPS ok apparently.

My initial thought was fuel starvation, but see below.

So far I have:
Made sure the fuel hose isn't kinked.
Replaced the fuel filter.
Changed the fuel pump.
Replaced the spark plugs.
Replaced the air filter.
No joy.

Also, its not like the bike just completely hits a wall. The misfire is intermittent and erratic, sometimes briefly cutting back in with full power. But it always happens under the same kind of circumstances: high ish rpm, plenty of throttle.

Anyone experienced this before, or has any ideas what to check next?

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