custom headers, stock can


New member
Apr 2, 2019
My bike is a 2017 GSX-R1000

I'm looking for aftermarket headers to match up to the stock can. Why you ask? I do want to decat the bike (and tune and PAIR block-off) but I would like to keep it semi-quiet.

If there are no aftermarket headers that go to the stock can, is there anyplace in SoCal (or anyplace that knows how to do this without having the bike) that will make them?

Disclaimer: I've never heard the full-systems on a bike that had a decent can - I have a riding buddy that had the megaphone type one on his Repsol and it was LOUD. I live in an apartment complex that will not renew my lease if I'm too loud and I leave for work at 530 AM so I do want to be a good neighbor while getting more horsies "under the hood."Tweakbox
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May 29, 2019
Just get a quiet slip on like yosh and have it tuned with that. Leave the stock header and cat on. You'll still get really good power and remain fairly quiet without wasting money on a header just to stifle it with the stock can and probably make less power than a slip on with the stock header. Also disabling pair valves gives no performance boost. The only thing the pair valve block does is reduce the decel popping. Also if you leave the stock header w/ cat in it, disabling pair valve will eventually cause performance loss by clogging the cat with a richer exhaust. So imo, get a yosh slip on, tune it with the stock header, and dont block pair valve. Less trouble and most likely a better running bike than trying to get the stock exhaust onto an aftermarket catless header. 9Apps Vidmate
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