Hi, looking to see if anyone can shed a bit of light on one of my GSXR's?
not long bought a 750WR and its reportedly 1 of 75 made by Suzuki in the Netherlands, it was built mid 90's to commemorate Kevin Schwantz winning the world championship, its in full Lucky Strike livery, Suzuki GB couldn't help and so far I've not had a reply back from Suzuki NL, had anyone seen or know about these or has any Dutch contacts that might be able to help?

not long bought a 750WR and its reportedly 1 of 75 made by Suzuki in the Netherlands, it was built mid 90's to commemorate Kevin Schwantz winning the world championship, its in full Lucky Strike livery, Suzuki GB couldn't help and so far I've not had a reply back from Suzuki NL, had anyone seen or know about these or has any Dutch contacts that might be able to help?