2016 GSXR1000 (L6) serious vibration


New member
Oct 9, 2016
Hi guys..
I've had my bike since October from new. It's developed serious vibration over the last few months. First through the right foot peg, then towards my right hand... To the point my right foot and right hand go completely numb now.
I've tried checking how tight components are, the fairing, the rear sets, rear hugger, screen, seat exhaust... Nothing helps it. It initially was only around 4-5000rpm.. its now throughout the range getting worse the higher the revs..
Anybody had a similar issue? Would appreciate any help possible..
The bike has been booked in with the dealer but I've to wAit until the 1st May! Booked it in 10 days ago..

Thanks a lot..


New member
Apr 30, 2017
Do you feel these vibrations also when not riding? Through the revs in neutral?
If so, maybe a bolt that holds the engine in its place, has come loose. Or worse, broken off...
If not:
when I hear vibrations, I always think instinctively front tire carcass problems. If possible, try another tire. The fact you only feel it 1 side, is probably due to the way you drive it.


New member
Jan 31, 2014
Hemel Hempstead, UK
I used to get a numb right hand after a while on my L3, I found it was better when the chain was correctly adjusted, worse when it needed adjusting, never really cured it but I only really noticed it when out with the wife, that's when I was tending to stay in the 4>5000 rpm range, I initially put it down to a natural frequency resonation as it wasn't there above or below those rev's.

best of luck with it